MARIET.GR offers its services under the following terms of use, which visitors / users are invited to read carefully and to visit / use its pages / services, only if they fully accept them. Use implies acceptance of these terms.
The visitors, users, are responsible for accessing the services of the MARIET.GR site ( and the possible payment of fees to third parties (eg internet service providers, charge for time spent on it) . Also, they are solely responsible for their personal equipment with the necessary technological means that allow them to access its services.
If visitors, users wish to subscribe to the services of the site agree to:
(a) provide true, accurate, valid and complete information regarding the information requested in the relevant requests for access to its contents / services; and
b) maintain and diligently update their registration details in order to maintain true, accurate, valid, up-to-date and complete information.
The site provides users / member services, upon acceptance of the terms of use of the website and / or the special software and completion of the registration process of their data. Once the visitors have completed the registration process set by the site, they will receive a confirmation of a personal password and the user name that they have set. Members remain solely responsible for all operations carried out under their personal password, username and generally their account (user account). Members agree to immediately notify MARIET.GR of any unauthorized use of their account and any occurring and / or possible breach of security. Also, members are solely responsible for the careful use of their account and their formal exit from it at the end of each use (Logout). The Company is not responsible for any damage or loss arising from the inability of members to respect and follow this clause. Once the account is created, it cannot be deleted.
The site reserves the right to modify and / or temporarily or permanently suspend part or all of its services with or without notice to its users / members.
Users understand and accept that MARIET.GR reserves the exclusive right to discontinue the use of the site’s passwords and / or to discontinue the provision of their content to users / members who believe that have violated the letter and spirit of these terms of use.
MARIET.GR has no responsibility for the communication of users / members with the third party service providers advertised on the site and for any commercial transaction that may arise from their relationship.
MARIET.GR does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected. Also, it does not guarantee that the same or any other related site (site) or servers (servers) through which they are made available to users / members, do not contain viruses or other harmful components. In no case does it guarantee the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options or their results. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the visitors / users and in no case the Company.
The content and information contained in the site are an offer to its visitors / users / in general and to the community of internet users in general and can not in any case for any incitement of business or non-specific actions. The site undertakes the collection, processing and distribution of their content, but without in any way guaranteeing its perfection, completeness, adequacy and general suitability and the absence of possible errors, and much more, due to its particularly large volume, as well as the participation of third parties (natural or legal persons) in its primary production and collection.
The site does not control the availability, the content, the privacy policy, the quality and completeness of the services of other sites (websites) and pages to which it refers through links (hyperlinks) or banners. Therefore, for any problem that occurs during their visit / use, users must go directly to the respective websites (websites) and pages, which are fully responsible for the provision of their services. MARIET.GR in no case should be considered as embracing or accepting the content or the services of those sites and the pages to which it refers or which links to them in any other way.
MARIET.GR provides its visitors / users with the ability to purchase services through e-commerce applications between visitors, in accordance with the specific terms it sets and taking care of the protection of personal data they submit for the use of these services. The site complies with decision Ζ1-496 / 2000 on distance selling and the provisions of law 2251/1994 on Consumer Protection. Thus, the site informs their prospective customers about a) the essential characteristics of the goods and / or services they offer, b) the price, c) the quantity and the shipping costs, d) the value added tax if it is not included in the price, e) the method of payment, f) the method of delivery and execution, g) the duration of the offer or price and h) the right of withdrawal.
Access to the pages / services of the site does not incur any additional costs other than the current tariff regime for general internet access, as formulated by the competent providers (ISP’s) and paid to them only.
The above terms and conditions of use of the site, as well as any modification thereof, are governed and supplemented by Greek law, the law of the European Union and the relevant international treaties. Any provision of the above terms becomes contrary to law, automatically ceases to be valid and is removed from here, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms. This constitutes the entire agreement between the Company and the visitors / users of its pages and services and binds only them. No modification of these terms will be considered and will not form part of this agreement unless it has been formulated in writing and incorporated into it.
Use of cookies
Cookies are small text files that contain information, which are sent by the site management software and stored on the hard drive of each user-visitor. Sending cookies is performed when you visit the site. This information may include the type of server each visitor uses, the type of computer, its operating system, ISPs, and other such information.
Cookies do not cause harm to your computer or mobile device or to the files stored on it and do not receive any document or file from the computer of the site visitor. Cookies may not reveal your identity but may be used to identify your computer.
Cookies are typically classified into session cookies (functionality cookies) and permanent cookies.
Session cookies do not remain on your computer after you exit the website or after you close your browser.
Permanent cookies are those that remain on your computer. This allows various websites to recognize your computer when you reopen your web browser, so that your navigation is as easy as possible.
Permanent cookies can be deleted by the user himself.
The site may use cookies for various purposes, including:
(a) Conducting surveys for statistical reasons and / or to improve the content and services of the site and / or to assess the effectiveness of the site.
With these cookies it is not possible to identify your identity. They simply provide us with anonymous information, which helps us to understand which parts of our website our visitors are interested in, as well as if they have a problem navigating them. We also use these cookies to try out different designs and features for our website.
(b) For marketing purposes to measure the effectiveness of ads on our website, how visitors use our website, as well as to display site-related ads on other sites, based on the user’s previous visits to the site.
(c) Ability to present and operate banners
Advertising cookies help to select ads based on your interests. They also help prevent the same ads from appearing to you over and over again
(d) Social networking cookies
We also want you to be able to share site content with your friends through your favorite social networking sites as easily as possible. Thanks to social networking cookies, which are placed by the providers of social networking websites, you can share this content easily and without any problems.
Most browsers accept sending cookies by default, but you can usually set your browser to refuse to accept them or to selectively accept certain cookies. If you disable the download of cookies, some features provided on our site may not be available and some websites may not display properly.
(e) Use of Cookies by third party providers.
Our website uses services such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.
Each of these services has a policy of protection of personal data and use of Cookies and are harmonized with the GDPR.
More details on the terms of use of Google Analytics Cookies can be found at the link below.
More details on the terms of use of Facebook Cookies can be found at the link below.
Any user who visits the website must agree to the terms of use of Google Analytics and Facebook Cookies.
Mariet Naxos Spa
Naxos, Cyclades, Greece
Tel.: (+30) 2285027339